Monday, March 26, 2018

March 25th Lessons

9:00am DiscipleLand
1st-2nd grade 
Special Easter Lesson
9:00am DiscipleLand
3rd-4th grade 
Valiant Voyagers Lesson 3—Farewell
Acts 20
 The Holy Spirit builds unity among believers and strengthens the Church.
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.-- Acts 20:24
~Paul was was often in danger from the Jews who plotted to kill him.
~Paul deeply cared for the churches.
~Paul's life models for all believers to follow.

Missionary Biography 2: George Mueller—A Step of Faith
10:45am TRU 1st-4th grade 
Main Focus: Jesus Is Deliverer
(Last Supper--Matthew 26:14-35)
Anticipate: Freeze Tag
What does it mean to be spiritually imprisoned, in bondage or enslaved? It means we aren’t free to become the people God created us to be because we are trapped by our sinful nature, thoughts and actions.
Its like being frozen in a state of sin from which we cannot free ourselves!
Worship with singing:  Youth Band

Memory Verse:
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.  The life I now life in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." --Galatians 2:20

On the night when Jesus was betrayed, He took the bread and wine, gave thanks and said "this is My body, broken for you...this cup is the new covenant in My blood, do this in remembrance of Me. For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes."  Jesus' death and resurrection are real.  It is important for us to remember that the Lord's supper points to His sacrifice on the cross through which He delivered us from sin and death and gave us eternal life.  We have been set free.
RESPOND: Sharing the Good News with Wordless Book Crafts
If we want to be ready to help others be saved we need to know how to explain it to them. Remember the “Wordless Book” we made last week to help explain the gospel? Let’s review what the colors mean.
Since Easter is next week, one way we can celebrate is by sharing the
gospel with our friends and family who don’t know God. Giving an Easter gift can be a nice way to tell others we love them and remind them that we all need Jesus to save us, all the time.
May our children rejoice and live in the freedom that our Deliverer, Jesus, has won for us.  May our children share with others so they, too, will know the Deliverer and be set free.

Monday, March 19, 2018

March 18th Lessons

9:00am DiscipleLand
1st-2nd grade 
Special Passover Lesson
9:00am DiscipleLand
3rd-4th grade 
Valiant Voyagers Lesson 2—Riot!
Acts 19
 The Holy Spirit sets people free from idolatry and helps them turn to Jesus.
Verse: It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” -- Galatians 5:1

~After repenting, people receive the Holy Spirit by faith in Jesus.
~Seeing the power Jesus makes people turn away from sorcery.
~The power of the Gospel in Ephesus changed people’s lives and reduced idolatry.
Missionary Biography 2: George Mueller—A Huge Change 
10:45am TRU 1st-4th grade 
Main Focus: Jesus Seeks and Saves
(Zacchaeus--Luke 19:1-10)
Anticipate: What Do You See?
Zacchaeus’ story is very simple and yet it clearly shows us how God wants us to live. First off He wants us to SEE the world as He does. Sometimes we live as if everything around us isn’t real, or the people around us are just stage props in our lives. Thank goodness that’s not how God sees us!
Worship with singing:  Youth Band
Memory Verse:
"Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." --Psalm 139:23-24

After Jesus healed the 2 blind beggars, everyone who heard about Him wanted to see Him.  On this day when Jesus was passing through Jericho, a short man, named Zacchaeus also wanted to meet Jesus.  However, because he was the chief tax collector who cheated people to pay more than they were asked to pay, he was a hated man.  He could not see and had no one to help him get to the front.  So he claimed on a Sycamore tree to see Jesus.  Jesus looked up, called Zacchaeus by name, asked him to come down and told him He was going to his house.  Because Jesus sought him out, and offered His love and acceptance to Zacchaeus, he repented by repaying those whom he had cheated.  Jesus then proclaimed that salvation had come to Zacchaeus and his household.  Jesus sought and saved Zacchaeus.  He still seeks and saves those who are willing to repent and follow Him today.

RESPOND: Seeking and Saving/Wordless Bokk
SEEING people is only the first step in living as God desires. We also need to SEEK people out.  This is harder to train ourselves to do, it means we have to not only notice people and things we need to analyze what we see. We don’t have to KNOW what to do, but we need to recognize that something should be done. In Zacchaeus’ story, what did Jesus see? What did He seek? How did he save?

May our children know the God who seeks after each of them.  May our children learn from Jesus to see, seek and bring the lost to God who saves.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

March 11th Lessons

9:00am DiscipleLand
1st-2nd grade 
The Bible Tells Me So Lesson 2--—#1  Follow The Lord Only
Elijah’s Challenge –1 Kings 18:1-39
The LORD God commands His people to trust Him alone.
“You shall have no other gods before me."—Exodus 20:3
~God is the only one true God.
~Believers should put their trust in God alone.
~God wants believers to acknowledge Him.
Missionary Biography 2: Adoniram and Ann Judson—The Longest Night
9:00am DiscipleLand
3rd-4th grade 
Valiant Voyagers Lesson 1—Speak Out
Acts 18
 The Holy Spirit encourages believers to faithfully help each other.
Verse: “One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.”
--Acts 18:9
~Aquila and Priscilla’s special friendship with Paul encouraged him.
~For 18 months, Paul witnessed about Jesus in Corinthians.
~Aquila and Priscilla taught Apollos from Scripture.

Missionary Biography 1: George Mueller—Thief and Liar
10:45am TRU 1st-4th grade 
Main Focus: God Knows Everything
(John 4:1-42)
Anticipate: Game-Focus
In the Big God Story, we hear about Jesus and His disciples’ journey from Judea to Galilee. This journey could have been taken the long way around through safer areas, or the short way, which meant traveling through a dangerous town, Samaria. The Israelites and Samaritans were in a big fight, so traveling through Samaria would be the more dangerous path,
but that was what Jesus and His disciples decided to do. Upon reaching Samaria, they stopped at a well for a drink of water. This was where Jesus met a Samaritan woman, who to her surprise, Jesus knew much about! Jesus knew everything about her and her sins and wanted to redeem every part. Like the Samaritan woman, we might be surprised when God proves he knows everything about us, the world, things going on around us. This simple activity shows how we may think we know something, especially after studying it, taking notes, drawing pictures, etc., but we might not know as much as we thought. Let’s let this serve as a reminder
that God, the Creator of our universe, is the only one who know everything.
Worship with singing:  Youth Band
Game:The Price Is Right

Memory Verse:
"Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." --Psalm 139:23-24

God knows all things 

We learned about Jesus' conversation with the woman at the well.  Jesus knew that the woman was a Samaritan and that she was living in sin. He knew everything about her, both the good and the bad, and still wanted a relationship with her.  Jesus knows everything about us and wants a relationship with us, too!

RESPOND: "Getting to Know You" Scavenger Hunt
God is the only one who knows everything about each and every one of us, but it is so neat to get a small glimpse of the unique qualities and experiences God has given each and every one of us.


May you rest in the peace of being known by your Heavenly Father.  May you tell others the good news of Jesus.

Monday, March 5, 2018

March 05 Lessons

9:00am DiscipleLand
1st-2nd grade 
Why We Got the Bible Lesson 12--The Bible Reaches Oceania
Moses in Training—Exodus 2-3
God prepares people so they can discover His great love.
Verse Reivew: 
Psalm 78:4; 2 Kings 6:16; James 1:12a; Proverbs 19:21; Romans 8:28
~God prepared Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.
~Jesus came to save all who believe.
~Many people in Oceania live on islands.
Inspire Action: Don Richardson —Missionary to Irian Jaya
9:00am DiscipleLand
3rd-4th grade 
Easter Lesson
10:45am TRU 1st-4th grade 
Main Focus: God's Plan Is Best
(Peter--Luke 5:1-11)
Anticipate: Save Me
Saving people is not easy. We humans cannot just say ‘I’m going to save you!’ and expect to do it every time. Even so, remember that God’s plan is best for everyone and that God gives people many chances to save others and to be saved. Remember that our job is to tell others about Jesus, it’s the Holy Spirit’s job to change their hearts and bring them to God.
Worship with singing:  Youth Band
Game: Let's Go Fishing

Memory Verse:
"Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." --Psalm 139:23-24

Today we’ll see how God’s plan for some fishermen changed the world. Jesus chose His first disciples and they chose to respond to His call to become something completely different and yet something still the same! He called them to not stay the fishermen they were, but be fishers-of- men. So then when God calls us to follow Him the benefits of His plans for us may also become benefits for the whole world!

RESPOND: Sandpit Rescue
when God asks us to save people He uses different strengths and means to do so. We cannot expect everyone to respond in the same way to Jesus
so we shouldn’t expect to do the exact same thing to reach every person. Discuss: What different ways can we show people Jesus love for them?
some people don’t even know they need God so hearing about Jesus may not seem important to them. Its not our job to necessarily CONVINCE or ARGUE or TELL people that they need God.  Our job is to LOVE people and respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to introduce Jesus to them in the best way for them.

May our children know that God's plan is best.  May our children trust Him each day.