Sunday, February 15, 2015

Feb 15th TRU--Nehemiah and the Walls of Jerusalem

This Sunday, our lesson came from Nehemiah 1-4; 6-9.  
During Anticipation, Mrs. Allen invited the kids to build their walls using cork bottle stoppers and empty egg cartons.  As it turned out, it took steady hands to build those walls. 
 Each kid also cut out one brick and one hand print to be used later in large group response.    
Each Sunday, the kids receive rocks at the door if they have done their devotions during the week, memorized the memory verse, or invited a friend.  
The rocks, then, go into this rock wall.  When the rocks accumulate and reach to the top of the wall, we throw a party to celebrate.  And trust me, no one wants to miss the party. 
The youth band joined us and led us in singing.  What fun!
 Mr. Allen let a volunteer demonstrate the job of a cupbearer (Nehemiah 1:11).  At the end, the cupbearer got "poisoned" by the pepper water and saved the king.
 From the Nehemiah passages, we learned that wall building was not only difficult, but also dangerous.  The builders had to be armed with weapons as they worked on the wall.
During our large group response, kids came up with ways they could serve God.  One kid shared that when he helps mom, he's serving God!
 Mr. Allen asked the kids to write their ideas on their paper bricks.  Then, one by one, the kids repaired the broken wall with their own bricks, just like Nehemiah. 

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