Monday, October 26, 2015

Oct. 25th Lessons

9:00am DiscipleLand

1st-2nd grade 
How We Got The Bible Lesson 8--Scholars Made English Translations 
(Tell Your Children--Deuteronomy 11:1-21)
Bible scholars have translated the Bible into many English versions.
" Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."  --2 Timothy 2:15
~God wants everyone to know His Word.
~God's words must be translated for people to understand them in their own language.
~John Wycliffe and William Tyndale overcame obstacles and translated the Bible into English.
Missionary Biography: Cameron Townsend--Camp Wycliffe's Beginnings
9:00am DiscipleLand
3rd-4th grade 
Eyewitnesses Lesson 7--Loyal Hearts
Acts 4:32-5:42
The Holy Spirit encourages believers to remain loyal to God.
Verse :
"Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah."--Acts 5:42
~The early Church enjoyed unity and freely shared what they have with each other.
~Ananias and Sapphira wanted to honor themselves more than God.
~Believers must obey God rather than people.
Missionary Biography: Amy Carmichael--Kimonos and Petticoats

10:45am TRU 
1st-4th grade 
Main Focus: God Is in Control (Numbers 9-20--Wandering in the Wilderness)
Anticipate: Making A Banner
Many ancient families or tribes carried banners when they walked around as a group.  This helped them know to stay together.  In the wilderness, the Israelites followed God as He led them with a cloud of fire.  Whenever the people followed, they walked within their tribes under each family's banner.  The banners help people find their way back to their families as well as serving as a reminder that they belonged to a community as God's chosen people.
Memory Verse: "'Let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD."  (Jeremiah 9:24)

Now that the Israelites had encamped at the foot of Mount sinai, ready to set out for the Promised Land, God's presence settled over the tabernacle in the form of a cloud of fire.  The Israelites had to observe the cloud of fire to know when to settle and when to pack up and move on.  They had to learn to depend on God completed and trust that God is always in control.  But this lesson was not easy, for many of the Israelites chose to grumble and complain instead of trusting that God is in control. Again and again, they grumbled.  Finally, when the 12 spies returned from exploring in the new land and reported what they had seen, the people would not trust that the land which God had promised them was good for them.  They rejected God and refused to believe that God is in control.  At the end, God told the people that anyone older than 20 years old would not go into the land.  Only their children would.  The story ended here with a sad notion.  If only the Israelites would depend on God and trust that He is in control.
Worship Response: Take What You Need to Depend on God
God is in control.  He loves and cares about us.  We can surrender to God's control during difficult times and let God use the tough situations to help us grow deeper in our relationship with Him.  We made booklets of verses as reminders that we can always depend on God.
RESPOND: Solving Puzzles

The children solved puzzles to reveal pictures of today's story.
May our children know that God is in control of every moment of their lives.  May they receive His comfort and peace each day as they depend on Him.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Oct. 18th Lessons

9:00am DiscipleLand

1st-2nd grade 
How We Got The Bible Lesson 7--Scholars Translated the Bible
(The Tower of Babel--Genesis 11:1-9)
Bible scholars translate the Bible so more people can learn about God.
"They read from the Book of the Law of God, making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people understood what was being read."  --Nehemiah 8:8
~People speak different languages.
~God wants everyone to know His Word.
~In order for people to understand what they are reading, words must be translated in their own language.
~Glorifying God is more important than honoring ourselves.
Missionary Biography: Cameron Townsend--Traveland Lots of Ideals!
9:00am DiscipleLand
3rd-4th grade 
Eyewitnesses Lesson 6--Great Boldness
Acts 4:1-31
The Holy Spirit empowers believers to speak boldly about Jesus
Verse Review:
Acts 1:8; Acts 1:9; John 14:26; Acts 2:42; Acts 3:6
~The Sanhedrin arrested Peter and John and warned them to stop speaking about Jesus.
~Believers prayed for boldness to continue speaking about Jesus.
~The Holy Spirit empowered believers with boldness.
Missionary Biography: Amy Carmichael--Kimonos and Petticoats

10:45am TRU 
1st-4th grade 
Main Focus: God Is Enough (Exodus 12:1-15:21; 19-30; 32-34--The Gold Calf)
Anticipate: Marshmallow Calf
It makes no sense to call something that we made ourselves a god and expect it to help us.  But that was what the Israelites asked Aaron to do for them rather than trust the true God who led them out of captivity.  We need to remember that our God is the only true God.  He alone is enough for us.
Memory Verse: "'Let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD."  (Jeremiah 9:24)

Moses went up to the mountain to talk with God for 40 days.  During the absence of their leader, and in their fear, the Israelites did exactly what God had commanded them not to do and made an idol for themselves.  This grieved God's heart.  When Moses came down the mountain, the Israelites realized the greta sin they had committed through Moses' action and anger.  And they repented from their sins.  This is a sad reminder of how easy it an be to not trust God when things get hard.  God called His people to worship only Him, the one true God, who is enough for them.  Today, God is still calling His people to worship Him alone.  He is always with us and He will give us everything we need to live a life of faith.  God Himself is enough for us.  
Game: Take Down That Idol
RESPOND: How Much Is Enough?
Only God knows everything and so He knows every part of our hearts that need to be filled until we have enough love, peace, and hope to live a good life.
May God pour His blessings into our children's lives.  May they know that He is enough for them today, tomorrow, and always.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Oct. 11th Lessons

9:00am DiscipleLand

1st-2nd grade 
How We Got The Bible Lesson 6--God Inspired 66 Books
(God's Standards--Deuteronomy 31:9-26; 2 Peter 1:16-21)
God's Spirit guided people to collect the 66 inspired books into one Book.
Verse Review:
   2 Timothy 3:16-17; Deuteronomy 29:29; 2 Peter 1:21; Ezra 7:10
~God's Spirit guided people to write God's Word and collect the 66 inspired books into one Book.
~The Bible guides the way people live.
~Ideas that contradict the Bible are false.
Missionary Biography: Cameron Townsend--Language Learning Pays Off
9:00am DiscipleLand
3rd-4th grade 
Eyewitnesses Lesson 5--Walk
Acts 3 
The Holy Spirit enables believers to perform miracles that show God's power.
" Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk."  --Acts 3:6

The class composed emails to parents of the lame man in Acts 3 from the POV of the lame man…..
"I was healed by Jesus."
"I am healed! I am healed! I just got healed. I feel happier. Someone helped me. He is very nice."
"Today I learned that Jesus gave what he had. He helped heal someone that could not walk. He is very, very, very powerful. I just got healed. Jesus healed me."
"Today, I was healed. A man named Peter at the Temple took my hand, and helped me up, and I walked! I don’t have to beg anymore. I am still walking and leaping and dancing! I praise God!"
"I’m healed! I asked the man Peter for money and  he just touched me, and KAPOW!!! I was healed. I’m soooo, happy. Now I can work again! Praise God! Hallelujah!"
"Today Peter came and I became strong. I was begging today and then Peter and John came. Peter helped me and I started walking! I was really happy!"
~The Holy Spirit empowered Peter to heal a cripple man.
~Peter credited Jesus for this healing.
~Peter challenged the listeners to repent and believe that Jesus is the Messiah.
Missionary Biography: Amy Carmichael--Tugboat in a Typhoon

10:45am TRU 
1st-4th grade 
Main Focus: Remember and Celebrate God as Deliverer--Feast of Passover
At Jewish feasts and festivals, the people would eat special foods, and engage in special dances and ceremonies.  They are both fun and meaningful.  During Passover, the Israelites celebrated their deliverance from the Egyptians as well as God as their deliverer. 
Game:  Search Out the Leaven/Yeast
Memory Verse: "Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments."  (Deuteronomy 7:9)
Every quarter, our TRU children would participate in the game of ZONK! to help them remember what they've discovered during the past several weeks in the Big God Story.
Click on each week's topic to read more about the lesson:

Monday, October 5, 2015

Oct. 04 Lessons

9:00am DiscipleLand

1st-2nd grade 
How We Got The Bible Lesson 5--Scribes Made Exact Copies

(Ezra the Scribe--Deuteronomy 17:18-19; Ezra 7:6-10)
Trained scribes made exact copies of God's Word.
"For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel."    ---Ezra 7:10
~Scribes made exact copies of God's Word.
~Ezra, a scribe, was God's faithful servant.
Missionary Biography: Cameron Townsend--Cameron Marries Elvira
9:00am DiscipleLand
3rd-4th grade 
Eyewitnesses Lesson 4--Happy Birthday
Acts 2:22-47
The Holy Spirit unites believers in one heart and purpose.
"They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer."  --Acts 2:42
~The Church was born at Pentecost.
~At Pentecost, 3,000 people believed in Jesus and were baptized.
~The believers continued to grow and fellowship together.
Missionary Biography: Amy Carmichael--Go...Into All the World
10:45am TRU 
1st-4th grade 
Main Focus: God Is Good (Genesis 37; 39-50  Joseph in Egypt)
Anticipate: Story Wall/Cartouches

Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him, so they sold him into slavery in Egypt.  In Egypt, God raised Joseph to the position of second-in-command so He could save many lives through Joseph.
The student wrote "The Lord Is My Strength" using  Hieroglyphics.
Memory Verse: "Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments."  (Deuteronomy 7:9)
Game: Who'd Be A Mummy?
Using a roll of toilet paper, we turned two of our friends into mummies.
 Joseph's brothers meant evil and wanted to harm him, but God is good.  God was in control of everything that happened.  Even in Joseph's dark moments in life, God was never far from Joseph.  Joseph went from a slave, a prisoner, to 2nd in command in Egypt. Because of the tremendous grace he experienced from God, Joseph was able to give that grace out to his brothers by forgiving them and thus, saving the entire nation of Israel.  Later, Jesus came, and extended God's grace and forgiveness even further by dying on the cross for our sins and saving us so we can be with God forever.  
RESPOND: Putting Joseph's Story Together
May our children know that God is good all the time.  May they learn to depend on Him.