Monday, May 22, 2017

May 21st Lessons

9:00am DiscipleLand 
1st-2nd grade 
At Worship with God, Lesson 11-- Church Worship
God's people worship Him through local churches around the world.
1 Chronicles 12:12-31--The Church Is One Body
God Is the Head of the Church
1 Corinthians 12:27
" Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it."

~God is the Head of the Church.
~Paul wrote a letter to the church of Corinth to help believers there.
~The Church is one body of Christ.
~Each believer is equally important to God as each part of the body is equally important.
Missionary Biography: The Saint Family--A Better Trail
9:00am DiscipleLand
3rd-4th grade
Mighty Miracles: Lesson 12--True Greatness
Jesus measures one's greatness by how a person trusts Him and serves others.
Matthew 20:1-28
Verse Review:
John 11:25; Luke 15:10; Luke 16:13; Luke 17:33; Matthew 19:26

~God blesses those who serve Him wholeheartedly.
~Jesus predicts His death.
~Whoever wishes to be great must become a humber servant to others.
Missionary Biography: John Stewart--Faithful
10:45am TRU

1st-4th grade10:45am TRU
Main Focus: Jesus Is Life
(John 11)

Anticipate: "Friends" Guessing Game  
What would you do with or for a friend?  Jesus does more than what we'd done for our friend.  He lay down His life for us and gives us eternal life.

Bell Choir Concert

Memory Verse
“I am the resurrection and the life.  The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.”                                                   —John 11:25

When Jesus heard the news that his friend, Lazarus was dying, out of His love for Lazarus, He delayed his trip and stayed where He was 2 more days.  As puzzling as this might be to people, Jesus knew that God will be glorified through the death of Lazarus.  Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life.  The one who believes in me will life, even though they die."  He asked the stone of Lazarus' tomb to be rolled away and He prayed to the Father to reveal His glory so the people can believe.  At His command, Lazarus who was dead and buried, came out of the tomb, walking and alive again.  Jesus demonstrated that He has power over death.  And not long after this incidence, Jesus Himself would be nailed to the cross, died and rose again to life.  And through His power over death and life, He give His believers eternal life.  Jesus is Life.

Respond: "TP Burial" 
In Jesus time and age, burial required specific tasks. These tasks help distance the family from the dead and allow them to care for the person one last time by taking care of the body. His friends had not only prepared Lazarus for burial but actually put his body into a rocky tomb before Jesus even returned to their home.

“I am the resurrection and the life.  The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.”                                                   —John 11:25
May our children know God has power over death and that He alone gives life.

Monday, May 15, 2017

May 14 Lessons

9:00am DiscipleLand 
1st-2nd grade 
At Worship with God, Lesson 8-- Temple Worship
God's people exalted God by building a magnificent Temple in Jerusalem.
2 Chronicles 5-7--Solomon's Temple
God Is Spirit
1 Corinthians 3:16
"Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?"

~God is Spirit.
~King Solomon built a temple for God in Jerusalem.
~God's glory inhabited the Temple in a cloud and in fire.
~God's Spirit dwells in believers today.
Missionary Biography: The Saint Family--Steve's Waorani Name
9:00am DiscipleLand
3rd-4th grade
Mighty Miracles: Lesson 11--Questions
Jesus demonstrated that faithfulness to God and family matters most.
Matthew 19
"Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."--Matthew 19:26

~God instructs His people to honor marriage as a lifetime commitment.
~God's kingdom belongs to those who have a childlike trust in Jesus.
~To follow Jesus, people must put Him first above all else.

Missionary Biography: John Stewart--Approved
10:45am TRU

1st-4th grade10:45am TRU
Main Focus: Jesus Restores
Healing of the Blind Man
(John 9)

Anticipate: "Blind Collection"  
In today’s story, Jesus and his disciples encounter a blind man begging for money. Jesus showed this man love and respect by explaining that he was not blind due to his own sins. He then healed him by wiping mud and commanding him to wash it in the Pool of Siloam.
Worship with Youth Band
Game:Tasty but Messy
Memory Verse
“I am the resurrection and the life.  The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.”                                                   —John 11:25

Jesus met a man who was born blind.  Jesus restores this man not only physically, but also spiritually and socially.  Restoration means to take something or someone that's broken and fix it to its original state.  Jesus restores the blind man and reassures him that his blindness is to glorify God.  Yet the religious leaders choose only to accuse Jesus of working on the Sabbath day.  They've missed the joy of Jesus' restoration and the heart of God.   Jesus can restore our brokenness due to sin and give us eternal life in heaven where there's no more sickness, crying or dying.  Jesus restores.

Respond: "Tangram Puzzles" 
Jesus restored the blind man’s sight and brought the man into relationship with him. And today, God still restores us because He loves us. God wants His glory to be revealed through your life, and He will restore you. God created us to be in perfect relationship with Him. But all people sin. Even so, God wants to fully restore the relationship with Him and His people. Isn’t it amazing how God restores us? Even better, He restores each one of us so we can play a part in His story. We have roles in carrying out His plan to save and redeem the world. So we get to take part in God’s restoring too.
“I am the resurrection and the life.  The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.”                                                   —John 11:25
May our children see God restore pieces of their own lives, and may they experience God's redeeming love.

Monday, May 8, 2017

May 07th Lessons

9:00am DiscipleLand 
1st-2nd grade 
At Worship with God, Lesson 7--Tabernacle Worship
God demonstrated His glory in the wilderness tabernacle.
Exodus 40--The Tabernacle
God Is Most High
Psalm 97:9a
"For you, Lord, are the Most High over all the earth;    you are exalted far above all gods."

~God is the Mist High.
~People willingly and gladly gave and participated in building the tabernacle.
~Moses followed God's instruction carefully and did exactly what He said.
Missionary Biography: The Saint Family--Another Missionary Saint
9:00am DiscipleLand
3rd-4th grade
Mighty Miracles: Lesson 10--Faith Full
Jesus demonstrated how faith in Him touches every part of our lives.
John 11
"Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it."--Luke 17:33

~Faith in Jesus causes believers to trust God and to expect Jesus' return.
~God values persistence in prayer and faithfulness.
~Faith leads to repentance and humility.

Missionary Biography: John Stewart--Revival
10:45am TRU

1st-4th grade10:45am TRU
Main Focus: God Is Near
Walking on Water
(John 6:16-21; Matthew 14:22-36)

Anticipate: "Afraid of What"  
We heard about Jesus feeding the 5000 last week and were amazed at what He could do. So it is hard to imagine that the disciples would forget how powerful Jesus really was because they didn’t understand the depth and breadth and width of His power AND of His love for them. Immediately after this they experienced great fear because of their circumstances and forgot that God was always near them.
Lets begin today by putting ourselves into the position of the disciples who are tired, amazed and a little in shock of all that Jesus had just done. Out on the water without Jesus they ended up just as afraid as if they never saw His miracles or could expect Him to save them. They were still in the dark about who He really was!

Worship with Youth Band
Game: Captain and Crew

Memory Verse
“The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.”                                                                                —Psalm 145:8

Jesus instructed the disciples to row to the other side of the lake while He dismissed the crowd and finally spent time praying and talking to God (which He postponed because of His compassion for the crowd).  The wind grew and water became rough.  The disciples were rowing but seemed to be getting nowhere.  They were tired and afraid.  Then they saw someone walking towards them on water.  They were terrified, thought they saw a ghost and cried out.  Then Jesus spoke to them and asked them not to be afraid.  Peter got excited and asked Jesus to let him walk on water towards Jesus.  Everything was well until Peter looked at the water and the wind and became afraid and started sinking.  As soon as Peter cried out to Jesus, Jesus reached out His hand and caught Peter.  The disciples were awed by what they saw and worshiped Jesus.
We should pray for God to remind us that He is near.  He increases our faith even when we can't see what's ahead of us.  We can always trust God to know what is best for us and to comfort us because He is near.

Respond: "Hearing Gods Voice / Feeling His Leading" 
The disciples were astonished by Jesus because they didn’t yet know the big story. So each of the instructions He gave them didn’t always make sense or fit in with how they saw their world…but when they obeyed, amazing things happened.
God tells us what do to in His Word, the bible, but it isn’t always completely clear how to deal with certain storms in our lives because we can’t see the obstacles for ourselves.

“The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.”                                                        —Psalm 145:8

May our children know that God is near them in hard times.  May He give our children patience, peace and joy, and may their faith grow as they keep their eyes fixed on Jesus

Monday, May 1, 2017

Memory Verse May 07-May 28th

April 30th Lessons

9:00am DiscipleLand 
1st-2nd grade 
At Worship with God, Lesson 6--Altar Worship
God responds whenever His people gather to worship Him.
2 Chronicles 29--Hezekiah's Service
God Is Gracious
Psalm 100:1-2
"Shout out praises to the Lord, all the earth!
Worship the Lord with joy!
Enter his presence with joyful singing!"

~God graciously treats His people better than they deserve.
~King Hezekiah restored the Temple and consecrated it with a worship service to the Lord.
~God is pleased when believers worship Him together.
Missionary Biography: The Saint Family--Learning to Trust God
9:00am DiscipleLand
3rd-4th grade
Mighty Miracles: Lesson 7--Living Proof!
Jesus proves that He has power and authority over death.
John 11
"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;'"--John 11:25

~Jesus cares about people and has compassion on them. 
~Lazarus had been dead for days before Jesus raised him from the death..
~Jesus' power and authority over life and death prove that He is God..

Missionary Biography: John Stewart--Meeting the Wyandots
10:45am TRU

1st-4th grade10:45am TRU
Main Focus: God Is Compassionate
Feeding of the 5,000
(John 6:1-15; Matthew 14:13-23)

Anticipate: "Getting Ready"  
Lets begin today by putting ourselves into the position of a young boy preparing to go with his family to see Jesus. There are no McDonalds or stores on the way and the journey may be long, so we’ll need to pack bread and dried fish.  So we’ll prepare food for our trip: we’ll mix up our playdough recipe and get ready for the main event.
Worship with Youth Band
Special Guests: Mrs. Ho and helpers (AWANA)

Memory Verse
“The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.”                                                                                —Psalm 145:8

To have compassion is more than just feeling bad for someone or a situation, but to be compelled to do something about a circumstance or for someone.  We may have heard about Jesus miracles many times before…but what if we put ourselves into the position of a bystander, someone who came to see Jesus and got to witness a miracle. The only reason the others in the crowd were fed, was because someone did bring some food which Jesus, feeling compassionate for the hungry crowd, multiplied into thousands of portions of fish and bread.  In the same way, God shows His compassion when He sees us as sinners, without hope and without God.  He sent His Son, Jesus, to take upon Himself the sin of the world, so that those who believe in Him may not face death but have eternal life.  And when God shows us His compassion, each of us will be like the crowd that was fed by Jesus, completed satisfied. 

Respond: "Feeding the Crowd" 
Today we want to think about what an amazing miracle Jesus did with 5 loaves and 2 fishes (probably a boy’s lunch!) by trying to make as many loaves and fishes we can with our playdough.  We take for granted all the big numbers in the bible. What does it mean to have 5000 portions of food? To appreciate how amazing this miracle really is, we’re going to see how much food all of us together can make in the time we have to feed just 100 people.  

“The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.”                                                        —Psalm 145:8

May God awaken our children to His Spirit of compassion so that they will extend His compassion to others.  As our children remember that God is compassionate, may they trust God to provide for them each day.