9:00am DiscipleLand
1st-2nd grade
God demonstrated His glory in the wilderness tabernacle.
Exodus 40--The Tabernacle
God Is Most High
Psalm 97:9a
"For you, Lord, are the Most High over all the earth; you are exalted far above all gods."
~God is the Mist High.
~People willingly and gladly gave and participated in building the tabernacle.
~Moses followed God's instruction carefully and did exactly what He said.
Missionary Biography: The Saint Family--Another Missionary Saint
9:00am DiscipleLand
Mighty Miracles: Lesson 10--Faith Full
Jesus demonstrated how faith in Him touches every part of our lives.
John 11
"Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it."--Luke 17:33
~Faith in Jesus causes believers to trust God and to expect Jesus' return.
~God values persistence in prayer and faithfulness.
~Faith leads to repentance and humility.
Missionary Biography: John Stewart--Revival
10:45am TRU
1st-4th grade10:45am TRU
Main Focus: God Is Near
Walking on Water
(John 6:16-21; Matthew 14:22-36)Walking on Water
Anticipate: "Afraid of What"
We heard about Jesus feeding the 5000 last week and were amazed at what He could do. So it is hard to imagine that the disciples would forget how powerful Jesus really was because they didn’t understand the depth and breadth and width of His power AND of His love for them. Immediately after this they experienced great fear because of their circumstances and forgot that God was always near them.Lets begin today by putting ourselves into the position of the disciples who are tired, amazed and a little in shock of all that Jesus had just done. Out on the water without Jesus they ended up just as afraid as if they never saw His miracles or could expect Him to save them. They were still in the dark about who He really was!
Worship with Youth Band
Game: Captain and Crew
“The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” —Psalm 145:8
Jesus instructed the disciples to row to the other side of the lake while He dismissed the crowd and finally spent time praying and talking to God (which He postponed because of His compassion for the crowd). The wind grew and water became rough. The disciples were rowing but seemed to be getting nowhere. They were tired and afraid. Then they saw someone walking towards them on water. They were terrified, thought they saw a ghost and cried out. Then Jesus spoke to them and asked them not to be afraid. Peter got excited and asked Jesus to let him walk on water towards Jesus. Everything was well until Peter looked at the water and the wind and became afraid and started sinking. As soon as Peter cried out to Jesus, Jesus reached out His hand and caught Peter. The disciples were awed by what they saw and worshiped Jesus.
We should pray for God to remind us that He is near. He increases our faith even when we can't see what's ahead of us. We can always trust God to know what is best for us and to comfort us because He is near.
Respond: "Hearing Gods Voice / Feeling His Leading"
The disciples were astonished by Jesus because they didn’t yet know the big story. So each of the instructions He gave them didn’t always make sense or fit in with how they saw their world…but when they obeyed, amazing things happened.
God tells us what do to in His Word, the bible, but it isn’t always completely clear how to deal with certain storms in our lives because we can’t see the obstacles for ourselves.
“The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” —Psalm 145:8
May our children know that God is near them in hard times. May He give our children patience, peace and joy, and may their faith grow as they keep their eyes fixed on Jesus
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