Monday, October 2, 2017

October 01st Lessons

9:00am DiscipleLand1st-2nd grade How We Got The Bible Lesson 5--Scribes Made Exact Copies(Ezra the Scribe--Deuteronomy 17:18-19; Ezra 7:6-10)
Trained scribes made exact copies of God's Word.Verse:"For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel."    ---Ezra 7:10Focus:~Scribes made exact copies of God's Word.~Ezra, a scribe, was God's faithful servant.Missionary Biography: Cameron Townsend--Cameron Marries Elvira=============================
9:00am DiscipleLand3rd-4th grade Eyewitnesses Lesson 5--WalkActs 3 
The Holy Spirit enables believers to perform miracles that show God's power.Verse:" Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk."  --Acts 3:6
Focus:~The Holy Spirit empowered Peter to heal a cripple man.~Peter credited Jesus for this healing.~Peter challenged the listeners to repent and believe that Jesus is the Messiah.Missionary Biography: Amy Carmichael--Tugboat in a Typhoon
10:45am TRU 1st-4th grade Main Focus: God Gives New Life (Passover and Red Sea Crossing--Exodus 12-14)Anticipate: Mystery Letters

God’s people spent hundreds of years in Egypt. With this activity, help children discover a little about this country. If time permits, have children trade their messages with one another to decode.
Worship with singing Youth Band
Game: New Life Tag
Memory Verse:
"The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.  He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom." --Isaiah 40:28

God commanded the Israelites to partake the 1st Passover by applying the blood of the lamb on their doorframes and eating the Passover meal in haste as the destroyer came to the land during the last plague God sent.  The destroyer/death passover the houses with the blood on the doorframes and as God promised, the Israelites were urged to leave Egypt right away.  2 million Israelites left Egypt to start their new life.  Thought Pharaoh later changed his mind and went after his Israelite slaves, God provided a way for His people to cross the Red Sea and never had to fear about going back to Egypt as slaves.  God wants His people to have new life so that they know that He is the only true God and that they will worship Him only.  Today, God gives us new life through Jesus Christ, our Passover Lamb.  Through Jesus' sacrifice, those who believe in Him have new life and are in relationship with God.
RESPOND: Pompom Lamb

Again and again, God proves he is the One who hears our cries and gives us new life. With the blood of the lamb on the doorframes, the Israelites were protected from the last plague and were able to safely leave Egypt. In the Bible, Jesus is called the “Lamb of God”. And like the blood of the lamb saved the Israelites, Jesus’ death makes the way for us to be saved.  Jesus is our Passover Lamb.

“The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom.” Isaiah 40:28
May our children know that Jesus is our Passover Lamb and that God gives new life to those who believe in Him.  

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