Monday, January 22, 2018

Jan. 21st Lessons

9:00am DiscipleLand1st-2nd grade 
Why We Got the Bible Lesson 6--The Bible Calls to Everyone
Abraham’s Blessing—Genesis 12:1-3; 15
God’s Word extends around the world when Christians show Jesus’ love.
" We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ."1 John 1:3
~God promised to bless every nation through Abraham’ offspring.
~God wants the Good News about Jesus proclaimed to everyone in every nation.
~God’s Word will be alive forever.
~Bruce Olson brought God’s Word to the Motilone people.
Inspire Action: Bruce Olson—Missionary to Colombia
9:00am DiscipleLand
3rd-4th grade 

Powerful Messengers Lesson 6—Missionaries
Acts 13-1-12
 The Holy Spirit sent out witnesses about Jesus in other regions.

Verse Review : 1 Peter 4:10; Acts 10:34-35; Romans 1:16; Acts 11:18; Matthew 19:26
~The Holy Spirit set apart Paul and Barnabas for special missionary work.
~Paul and Barnabas preached the good news of Jesus throughout Cyprus.
~God calls every believer to be His witness.

Missionary Biography: Maria Molnar—1943, Papua New Guinea
10:45am TRU 1st-4th grade 
Main Focus: God Awakens
(King Josiah--2 Kings 22-23)
Anticipate: Can You Hear Me?
Its easy to think the Israelites were stupid to forget God but they didn’t know today and forget tomorrow. Many, many years passed requiring generations of teachers, leaders and parents to pass on their
understanding of God. Think of the Israelites faith as something that slowly dripped away until there was nothing left. This doesn’t give them an excuse but does help us understand why teaching EVERY GENERATION of kids is so important and why we think spending this time with you now is so important!
Worship with singing:  Youth Band
Game: Wake Me Up! Who Am I?
Memory Verse:
"Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’” --Luke 4:8
We have been learning about the Israelites and their prophets. Many of the kings either turned away from God or forgot who He was and what He was like. Josiah began his reign by wanting to restore his country and the temple… his desire to seek the best for Israel led him to find God and His Word again.

RESPOND: Making A "God Light"
Sometimes we need help remembering to look for God. Many things can remind us that He is around even when things seem darkest. Today we are going to make a “God Light” to help remind us that God is always with us and He wants to be close to us!
May Christ’s light shine on our children so that they an see how God desires for them to live.  May our children obey Him and follow Him each day.

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