Monday, August 24, 2015

August 23rd Lessons

9:00am DiscipleLand

1st-2nd grade 
Village Life with God Lesson 12--Birth and Death
(Sarah and Isaac--Genesis 21, 23)
 God Is Eternal.
Verse Review:
James 1:17a; Proverbs 16:22; Psalm 28:7a; Romans 13:1; Proverbs 18:22                               
~God is eternal.
~God blessed Sarah and Abraham with a son, Issac, at their old age.
~Those who believe and trust in Jesus live eternally in heaven with God.
Missionary Biography: David Livingstone --The End of His Journey
9:00am DiscipleLand
3rd-4th grade 
Triumphant Over All Lesson 12--It's True!

John 20:19-21:25
Jesus confirms His resurrection and invites everyone everywhere to follow Him. 
Verse Review:
John 15:8; 16:33; 17:22; Matthew 26:39; 28:5-6a
~Jesus appeared to His disciples after He resurrected from the dead.
~Jesus blesses those who believe yet without seeing Him in person.
~Jesus wants His followers to care for others
Missionary Biography: Mark and Gloria Zook--Never-ending Story
10:45am TRU 
1st-4th grade 
Main Focus: Remember and Celebrate: God's Gift of Freedom
Festival of Jubilee

God commanded the Israelites to celebrate the year of Jubilee in every 50th year.  This festival proclaimed God's liberty and restoration, for in this year, all debts were forgiven and slaves and prisoners were set free.  God granted freedom to those who could not redeem themselves.  Today, Jesus is our Jubilee.  Through believing in Jesus, our sins are forgiven, our debts are set free. What an amazing gift we have in Him!

Worship with singing:  led by JrHi / High School band
Memory Verse: "May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.."  (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
Every quarter, our TRU children would participate in the game of ZONK! to help them remember what they've discovered during the past several weeks in the Big God Story.
Click on each week's topic to read more about the lesson:
 God's Spirit Renews--Galatians 5-6 (Fruit of the Spirit and Galatia)

May our children experience the freedom that only comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ.  May they walk daily in the joy that comes from that freedom.

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