9:00am DiscipleLand
1st-2nd grade
The Bible Tells Me So Lesson 7--—#6 Do Not Murder
The Bible Tells Me So Lesson 7--—#6 Do Not Murder
Angry Words –Exodus 21:12-15; Matthew 5:21-22
The LORD God commands believers to value the lives of all people.
The LORD God commands believers to value the lives of all people.
“You shall not murder."—Exodus 20:13
~God commands believers that murder is wrong.
~Jesus equates anger against another person to murder.
~Jesus equates anger against another person to murder.
~Jesus does not want people to call others hurtful names.
Missionary Biography 2: Adoniram and Ann Judson—In His Hands
9:00am DiscipleLand
3rd-4th grade
Valiant Voyagers Lesson 8 —To Caesar!
Acts 25 & 26
"Be still before the Lord
and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when people succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes."--Psalm 37:7
"Be still before the Lord
and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when people succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes."--Psalm 37:7
~Paul appealed to Caesar for a fair trial.
~Festus wanted to please the Jews and also King Agrippa's opinion on what to do with Paul.
Missionary Biography: George Mueller—Father to the Fatherless
Main Focus: God Is the Lord of the Sabbath
(Sabbath--Matthew 12:1-14)
Anticipate: From the Heart
Today, in The Big God Story, we will learn that God is the Lord of the Sabbath. He is in charge and cares about what is in our hearts. He wants us to keep Him first in our hearts. Are we keeping Him first or are we so busy trying to follow each and every rule, which we will ultimately fall short on? God wants us to have hearts that desire Him at all times, not just through outward actions to simply obey rules.
Worship with singing: Youth Band
Game: "Ring In If You Know"
Memory Verse:
Game: "Ring In If You Know"
Memory Verse:
"Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." --John 17:3
During God's creation, He worked for 6 days and dedicated one day for rest. Of course, God is never tired, but God did this to show His people what's best for us. God wants His people to set apart a day (Sabbath) so we can not only rest our bodies, but also love and honor Him. However, during Jesus' day, the religious leaders added rules upon God's laws without consulting God. They made the laws complicated to follow and led people away from God's heart. Jesus, the Son of God, fully understands His Father's heart. Jesus answered the religious leaders by asking them to think about what's important to God and what will honor God. Jesus reminded them that God desires "mercy more than sacrifices". He cares about our heart conditions and our desires to honor Him more than man-made laws and mere outward behaviors.
RESPOND: Prayer Bottle
We take the Sabbath to show we trust God and worship Him as Lord. One way to keep the Sabbath is to set aside time to remember and celebrate who God is by talking with God through prayer. This prayer bottle can help children remember to set aside time to talk with God each
We take the Sabbath to show we trust God and worship Him as Lord. One way to keep the Sabbath is to set aside time to remember and celebrate who God is by talking with God through prayer. This prayer bottle can help children remember to set aside time to talk with God each
May our children know the One who rules over everything. May their words and their hearts honor the Lord of the Sabbath.
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