9:00am DiscipleLand
1st-2nd grade
The Bible Tells Me So Lesson 9--#8 Do Not Steal
The Bible Tells Me So Lesson 9--#8 Do Not Steal
Jacob Steals the Blessing –Genesis 27
The LORD God commands believers not to take things that don't belong to them.
The LORD God commands believers not to take things that don't belong to them.
“You shall not steal."—Exodus 20:15
~Taking what does not belong to you is wrong because God commands people not to steal.
~God provides everything we need.
~When we boey God's commands, we show that we love and trust God.
~God provides everything we need.
~When we boey God's commands, we show that we love and trust God.
Missionary Biography 2: Adoniram and Ann Judson—The Death Prison
9:00am DiscipleLand
3rd-4th grade
Valiant Voyagers Lesson 10—Shipwreck!
Acts 27
“He trusts in the Lord,” they say,
“let the Lord rescue him.
Let him deliver him, since he delights in him.”--Psalm 22:8
“He trusts in the Lord,” they say,
“let the Lord rescue him.
Let him deliver him, since he delights in him.”--Psalm 22:8
~A great storm threatened Paul's ship while Paul was taken to Rome as a prisoner.
~An angel reassured Paul that everyone on board would safely reach Rome.
~As the ship was breaking up, Paul instructed the crew to safety.
~An angel reassured Paul that everyone on board would safely reach Rome.
~As the ship was breaking up, Paul instructed the crew to safety.
Missionary Biography: George Mueller—Ashley Downs
10:45am TRU
1st-4th grade
Jesus is Freedom (Luke 12:13-34--Rich Fool)
Anticipate: Gathering Beans
Life will bring many challenges and opportunities. It’s a good thing to work hard gathering “A’s” in school or wins on the ball field or trophies in competitions as long as the pursuit of these things doesn't make us forget that God loves AND judges us for who we are, not just what we gather or accomplish. And as long as achieving those things doesn't make us feel that we are better people than others or more important. We may have better skills, but that does not give us the right to look down on those who aren't as good. We do need to work hard, we need to work hard at being the person God made us to be! That includes doing a lot of things in life that require us to do our best and then trust God for the rest.
Today we learned a parable about a Rich Fool. Was he a fool because he worked hard to
become rich? No. Was he a fool because he had many things? No. Then what exactly did he do for Jesus to
call him a fool? He forgot that becoming rich is not the purpose of life! He lost his focus upon what is truly
important and then it was too late to make things right. What is our purpose: to love and trust God. We are to
do this whether we are: rich or poor; happy or sad; smart or not so smart.
Matthew 6:26-27 6
“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”
Jesus Is Freedom activity |
God sent His Son, Jesus, to set us free from our sin and from the pain our sin causes. Jesus is freedom, and He invites us to live in that freedom as His followers.
Memory Verse:
"Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." --John 17:3
May our children know that the Father loves them and will always take care of them. May they know that Jesus is freedom and trust Him to give them everything they need. May our children
rest in Him and be free from worry.
rest in Him and be free from worry.
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